I was again inspired by a certain site to do a few more diy projects for Christmas. The first one was my very favorite.
1. Fort Kit for our neices-- There are several variations of this floating around. I can't sew and I'm cheap, so I had to kind of let the stores be my guide. I found pink flashlights, batteries for the flashlights, clips, and popcorn at the dollar store. I found glow necklaces at the dollar bin at Target, and I found a colorful sheet and tote bag at Goodwill. The total cost of this, including shipping 4 states away, was about $15!
2. Cash for a cousin-- I have a 16 year old cousin I had no idea what to buy for. I know he has gotten his first job and is saving for a car. I thought that maybe cash was in order. In my opinion, opening cash or gift cards is about the most boring thing ever. It's plenty of fun later, but while while you're opening it. So, I sifted through several Pintrest ideas and loved this one. I wrapped up a tissue box, taped dollar bills end to end, rolled them and put them in the box so they'll pop up one at a time. I added a cute "Don't blow it all in one place" note and it was done. I wish I was going to be in Indiana to see him open this one!
3. Recordable book for Great-Grandma-- One of my grandmother's is not doing so great. She's been holing herself up in her house, which is not exactly like her. My aunt had mentioned scheduling a Skype date, which hasn't happened yet, so I thought I'd do the next best thing. I bought one of those recordable books from Walmart (I was so happy they had them and that I didn't have to brave the mall with a toddler!) for $17 and had my two oldest take turns reading Grandma a story. Although Grandma can't hug or see them, she is hearing their sweet voices read her the story of the first Christmas. After we finished, I wished I had gotten one for myself as well!
5. Cocoa Mixes for teachers-- tonight we will be making cocoa mixes for the kids' teachers again. As a former teacher, I find gift-giving for teachers extra tricky. Not to bust anyone's bubble, but teachers get really tired of apple stuff. You can also only have some many kitty cat ornaments or patriotic coffee mugs. I read that the best gift to give to teachers are consumable gifts and I totally understand that logic. So this year the kids decided to make peppermint stick cocoa mixes for their teachers again. I love that it's a simple enough project that the kids can help. I love that it is not another thing for a teacher to dust and I love that if they really hate it, or run out of time to do their own shopping, they can easily re-gift it!
Obviously, we will also be giving plenty of store-bought gifts, but doing a few diy projects is fun, keeps you out of the mall, and can very activly involve the kids!
I love every single gift you made! I might steal the fort kit idea, that is so simple and perfect! They are all going to be appreciated! Have a wonderful Christmas!