Friday night, Jason's parents offered to watch all three kiddos so we could go out on a date. Date? What's a date? So I digress, Jason and I went to one of the finest resteraunts that Columbus has to offer. There was excellent food, good conversation, and a consensus that we no longer belong in the finest resteraunt in town. I believe Jason made the observation that we are much more suited for the place that throws peanut shells on the floor!
Saturday night we met up with some friends for dinner at "Grazianos". Grazianos is the transformation of a church west wing into a quaint dining area, distictly resembling something out of Lady and the Tramp. We had an excellent time soaking up grown-up conversation and pasta.
Sunday after church was Ruby's pick for a resteraunt of her choice. (Sidenote: In 2011, one Sunday each month is go-out-to-eat-after-church-Sunday. The 12 months were divided evenly among us, with each person being allowed to choose the resteraunt 3 times.) Ruby chose the ever-classy, Pizza Hut. While we were waiting for our food, we played Heart bingo.
11:30 I get a call on my cell as I'm picking Ruby up from preschool. Jason tells me that his side is hurting. He thinks it might be his apendix and if it gets any worse, he's having someone drive him to the hospital. I try to convince him that I can come to get him; if it is his apendix we centainly don't want him to be at a hospital an hour away from our home. No deal.
12:30 Jason calls the house phone. He is in transit to our house, in extreme pain. I need to have everyone ready to leave for the ER when he gets to our house by 1:00. I tell him that he is getting a stern yelling at for driving an hour in pain, once he's feeling better.
1:00 Right on time, and we are off to the ER. So, without all the details, I will tell you, that my very romantic Valentine's day involved not candlelight, but florescent light. Not a fancy evening gown, but a green hospital gown. Not champaign, but lots and lots and lots of water. Looking back now, though, I'm not sure I'd change a thing. Luckily, it was a kidney stone, not an apendix (yea!). But still, it was quite a funny Valentine('s Day)!