I have a sleeping toddler on my lap who coughs himself awake when I try to lay him down. I have updated every life event and job I've ever had on my FB account and I'm about blog again... for the third time in 3 days... when what I really need to be doing is cleaning Play-doh off every surface of my kitchen...
Dear Ruby,
Ten days ago you turned 7. Seven years old! How is that possible? You've had a rough year this past year. We moved 20 hours away from "home". You had to leave your best friend Ava, your school, the only house you'd ever known, grandparents, the list goes on and on.
Honestly though, we worried about your big brother, who has scars on his face from the numerous surgeries we have now lost count of. Baby girl, we never thought to worry about you. You have never known a stranger and your happy smile makes you friends everywhere you go. But we didn't plan on a brown-haired, blue-eyed bully in your class this year. We didn't anticipate that one little girl being able to shake you to your core.
Ruby, I wanted to rip you out of school and wrap you in bubble wrap. I wanted to harm this little girl like she has been harming you. But then I read something in a book I was reading about forgiveness. Ruby, that book showed me that the answer to your problem will not come by my complaining to your teacher, or your principal, or by ripping you out of another school. The answer, Ruby, is within you. You must know who you are.
There are going to be lots of people who try to tell you who you are Ruby, but none of that matters if you know you are and if you know who you are in Jesus. I watched with pride as you make a book of your wonderful qualities to remind yourself when days are hard (and sweetheart, some days will be!).
Ruby, you are bubbly, easy-going, decisive, smart, sensitive, helpful, and a good friend. You come alive when you are singing in a performance. You are a perfectionist and you love surprising people. You are a wonderful big sister and a very tolerant younger sister. Sometimes you loose your sparkle, but it's always in there. I know it.
I have so many wishes for you, but my biggest wish of all is for you to know who you are and to find the one person at Edgewood Elementary* who needs Ruby as her best friend. She's there. I know it!
I love you Lady!
* Not the real school name!