Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Best of June 2012

It's already August and I haven't even shared most of June!  I guess there's just been a few other things going on the past couple of months (wink, wink)!  To save myself some energy, but not skip the amazing memories of June, I'm putting the best of June into one blog post.

1.  Our baby boys turns 2!  Although we had originally planned an all-out Sesame Street party, David's birthday was just right for our little guy.  I made him an Elmo "fruit cake" and we took him to the local outlet mall to ride the Elmo car.

2.  Carmen comes for a visit!  My friend Carmen and her family made to trek back to Indiana for a wonderful week of fun.  I said it last year and I'll say it again this year, when Carmen comes, it's like a vacation for all of us!  Water balloons, water gun fights, Wii time, indoor playground, and pizza lunch-- perfect!

3.  Field trip to Clifty Falls.  Although it was pushed back due to Jason's phone interview with Ackerman, the five of us took a field trip to Clifty Falls.  It is such a gorgeous place and the last time Jason and I had been there was when I was pregnant with Eli (11ish years ago, yikes).  I was so thankful we were really able to enjoy a day together while Jason was out of work.

4.  Interview trip to Minot, ND.  Jason and I were able to go to ND for a face-to-face interview, without children!  Although it was a quick and exhausting trip, it was nice to take it all in-- just the two of us!

5.  Laura's baby shower.  My friend Laura was expecting a long-awaited baby girl and Ruby and I were able to share in the fun.  Here is Laura sniffing candy bars inside a diaper!  As it turned out, this was the last time I got to see Laura before we left Indiana.

6.  "Daddy Day Camp".  One very hot afternoon we watched "Daddy Day Camp" and then had our own egg and 3-legged races.  Other than the really bad case of "road rash" I got from trying to catch up with Ruby and Jason, a great time was had by all.  The kids talked about that for at least a week!

7.  Camps.  Eli participated in Lego Robotics camp while Ruby took part in theatre camp.  Even though both kids needing to be dropped off and picked up from their camps at different times during the same week led to a lot of drive time for Mom and Dad, they both loved the experiences they had.  On Friday, Ruby had a small roll in "Willy Wonka".  I think her love for musical theatre has begun (Hum, I wonder where she got that from!).

8.  Soul Surfer.  One evening we rented "Soul Surfer" from Red Box (Haven't seen it?  Rent it.  Now.  I'm not kidding!).  To go along with the movie, we made Nutter Butter flip flops and had coconut M&Ms.  It was an all-around delicious night!

Wow!  What a June!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I got to see you before you took off for ND. I will miss being able to see you when we actually make it up to IN but I know that you will make ND your home and that you will be happy there. I love David's fruit cake. It is so precious. If you are ever heading my way please let me know, I would love to see you!! Take Care!
